Bummer Candy

Come on, man…

Nobody likes to get a Dum-Dum on Halloween.

No matter how you spin it, Dum-Dum’s scream “cheapskate,” usually bought under duress so that folks can have something to offer when the neighborhood kids come trick-or-treating.

I suppose it’s better than turning off the lights and pretending you’re not home.

Same goes for Tootsie Rolls, Bit-O-Honeys and peppermints. A slight step up from these things are Hershey Kisses (great brand, but too small).

I’m OK with a handful of Atomic Fireballs or a couple of Charms Blow-Pops. Seems like more effort and thought went into those – but I might just be kidding myself because I like them.

And please don’t insult me by handing out just one of anything – unless my costume is shitty or I am way too old to be canvassing the subdivision.

And if I am just wearing some sort of hastily-donned cheap mask, like the plastic ones folks of a certain age had to endure, with slits cut out in the eye area and a flimsy elastic band we hoped wouldn’t come off as our faces poured sweat…

…just tell me to go pound sand.

If Halloween were a meritocracy, I’m sure the uprising would be swift and sure – and we’d see the former part of the trick-or-treat equation come into sharp focus.

  1. Frank Horn said:

    Always loved the houses that gave out full size candy bars.

    It’s tough out there for sure.

    But you said it perfectly. Dum dums are a cop-out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Frank – haha yes the full-size candy bars = win!


  2. Randall CArlisle said:

    Man, the Tootsie roll big bag they have at most retailers year round is the best. Tootsie pops, fruit chews, Dots, regular Tootsie rolls are always welcome. Dum dums not so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Perhaps I was a bit harsh. Has anybody really figured out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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