
He tricked me.

He’s a leprechaun. I mean, look at him. All he needs is a beard.

Here’s what went down: He had some cereal puffs laid out on his highchair tray, and I was sitting on a chair across from him while he munched on them.

He has a funny way of eating those things, kind of grabbing each one with his pinky and ring finger, securing them to the top of his palm and then maneuvering them into his mouth.

I was surprised when he picked one up in what I consider the regular way and extended his hand toward me with a quizzical sound, like, “Mmm?”

Clearly he was offering to share a puff with me. Cutest thing ever. I moved toward him and he fed one to me. I dramatically crunched it and thanked him. He was pleased, and laughed about the exchange.

I like the fact that a one-year-old was willing to share his stash with me, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

It didn’t end there. Because he seemed to get a kick out of this, he offered me another with the same result, same laugh.

As his grandfather, I could do this all day.  I love being around that kid. When I am with him, nothing else seems to matter.

He wasn’t done, and his generosity was impressive.

On the third pass, he moved the puff toward me and I was ready to accept it.

But as he got closer to my face, he did a 180 and quickly ate the puff himself.

As he was munching, he let out a laugh I had never heard him laugh before.

This was not the laugh of a baby. It was the laugh of a seasoned trickster.

Well, played, sir. Well played.

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  1. Roger, that’s THE BEST! What a cute personality to go with that gorgeous red hair! My goodness, this made my day! Mona

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mariahcurtis48 said:

    He’s a trip!!

    And smart as a whip, it seems!

    Enjoy every minute, bro!

    love you so much


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, sis – he is the epitome of living in the moment – and when I am with him that’s what I am able to do. And that’s a tall order for me! Love you!


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