Life “Off the Mat”

My son came over with my grandson yesterday.

I get as excited as a Jack Russell when its owner comes home from work…

It starts with a quick and purposeful knock at the door. My son also raps on the window of my office, which is adjacent to the front door.

I savor the moment, and take my time opening the door. First I stand behind it, peeking out with one eye before opening it fully.

My son with his son, standing there. My grandson in his arms, looking at me while taking pulls from his binky and smiling at the same time. You can tell he’s smiling because of his eyes.

Photo: Wes Yale aka Daddy

I melt.

And then, the handoff. Anderson knows I am about to grab him, and he acknowledges this with outstretched arms. He’s solid. Almost ten months old.

I give Wes a kiss on the top of his head. Anderson always notices this interaction. I wonder what he makes of it.

We show Anderson the Halloween decorations Brenda has done (it’s her specialty, Halloween). He takes it all in.

Brenda is jonesing to hold him. We make the transfer.

He sizes her up and proceeds to grab her cheek. And then he chomps down on her chin with his four front teeth – two up top and two on the bottom.

It probably hurts. She loves it. I’ve seen him do that to my daughter-in-law too. Somehow I’m jealous.

He “tells” us about how he is doing.

We set him on his playmat and he explores. In no time, he’s off the mat. He pulls himself up to standing position at any opportunity. Coffee table (protected by pillows), couch, chair. Proud as can be.

There’s an old commercial where a guy tells a little girl that she can only ride her bike in a little squared off area. Her response is classic:

“You can’t really ride in this little space.”

Anderson embodies that statement.

Enjoy life off the mat, Anderson. As Sam Cooke sung, that’s where it’s at.

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    • Thanks Mona – and for sure I think he’s not going to be wasting too much time crawling. Hope all is well!

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